Health & Safety

Regular vet check-ups

Why Regular Vet Check-ups are Crucial for Your Husky’s Health

Team Husky

Keeping your Husky healthy requires more than daily walks and a balanced diet. Regular vet check-ups are essential for early detection and prevention of common health issues. Discover how these vet visits can contribute to a long, happy life for your Husky.

Essential Vaccination Schedule for your Husky

The Essential Vaccination Schedule for Your Husky

Team Husky

Discover the importance of booster shots and core vaccines in your Husky's health. Learn how to create a vaccination schedule that keeps them protected.

Common husky health issues

Recognizing and Treating Common Husky Health Issues

Team Husky

This comprehensive guide explores the common health issues faced by Huskies, offering detailed insights into recognizing symptoms early and providing optimal care. We delve into treatments, preventive measures, and tips to ensure the wellness of your beloved Husky.

How long are huskies pregnant?

How Long Are Huskies Pregnant?

Team Husky

Huskies, like most dog breeds, have a gestation period of approximately 63 days, or about 9 weeks. However, this can vary slightly with each individual dog, ranging from 58 to 68 days. It's crucial to provide proper care and nutrition during this period to ensure a healthy pregnancy for your Husky.

how cold can huskies survive

Braving the Chill: How Cold Can Huskies Survive?

Team Husky

Learn about the impressive cold tolerance of Huskies and how to ensure their well-being in extreme weather. Keep your furry companion cozy and content.